The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. Learning Quotes: The All-Time Top 20 Rankedġ. Who knows, perhaps these quotes will provide you with the motivation you need to supercharge your self-development. Of course, Albert Einstein made the cut - what quote list would be complete without him? It includes quotes from Winston Churchill, Doris Lessing, John Cleese and many others. Our collection includes insights from some of history’s brightest minds. And to save you the effort, we’ve cherry-picked the very best for your delectation. Luckily, there’s a treasure trove of learning quotes out there. The kind of hunger that can only be satiated by a truly indulgent learning experience.

The right quote about learning can fuel an insatiable hunger for knowledge.